“Ayurveda is science of life, no alternative to it in rural India”

Bourgveda: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health start with Ayurveda!
“Ayurveda is the science of life, no alternative to it in rural India” The natural state of body, mind, and spirit is to stay healthy and happy; be it you live in rural, semi-rural, or urban areas. But even if you are not healthy there is a science of life to make you healthy and happy. In India, 64.61% population lives in rural areas. Isn’t it tremendous? In this digital age with the advancement in science, we are still unable to serve everyone. Especially for Chronic diseases! Healthcare is the right of every Indian but a lack of quality infrastructure, a dearth of qualified medical functionaries, and non-access to basic medicines and medical facilities lead to suffering and even deaths in rural India. How Ayurveda can help rural and semi-urban communities? To improve the prevailing situation of rural health, we have come up with Bourgveda. In a holistic way with genuine efforts, we are working towards the enhancement of the health of rural and semi-rural India with the mother of healing, i.e Ayurveda.

Bourgveda Concept
Importance of Ayurveda for Rural Population
The natural state of body, mind, and spirit is to stay healthy and happy; be it you live in rural, semi-rural, or urban areas. But even if you are not healthy there is a science of life to make you healthy and happy. In India, 64.61% population lives in rural areas. Isn’t it tremendous?
How ayurveda can help the the rural and semi urban community
To improve the prevailing situation of rural healthcare, we have come up with Bourgveda. In a holistic way with genuine efforts, Bourgveda is working towards the enhancement of the health of rural and semi-rural India with the mother of healing, i.e Ayurveda.
Chronic Diseases and Ayurveda
Ayurvedic philosophy states that chronic conditions are caused by long-term imbalances in the body, it can be due to Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Water) Doshas. In ayurvedic science, we have solutions to balance these doshas and prevent illness.

Our Core Values

We strive to be real and genuine with our patients; we connect and empathize with our patients. Our rock-solid goal is to heal people with authentic Ayurveda treatments.
We want to maintain the body balance of our patients and bring it to its natural state, i.e. healthy. We advocate well-being and a healthy lifestyle.
We feel responsible for educating people and giving them ayurvedic treatment anytime, anywhere.

Here at Bourgveda, a complete and holistic Ayurvedic treatment awaits you. We aim to restore your natural state by preventing and treating your chronic diseases. Here, you will get a consultation, medicines, therapies, and complete quality Ayurvedic health care.